An Iconic lady, A life size reflection of Humanity, A fire power that burns injustice and a guided arrow and bullet straight on to the enemies hearts. A courageous lady. A lady who proved that ladies are not disabled but, they are abled. A Lion in the dreams of the Authorities against whom she fought for the basic rights of common people though she lived in exile for this cause.
A fully blossomed Fire Flower and Fire Power in Telangana Armed Struggle. She is none other than Dr. Arutla Kamala Devi.
ALER region is known for its ever active and bubbling life. This is a place that has given birth to many Revolutionary heroes that’s stood up against the Atrocities of Aristocratic and Satonic Nizam’s rule.
This is the land that has given life to Telangana Armed Struggle. The Arutla couple have put their own unique stamp in the struggle of Telangana Ryots. Dr. Arutla Kamala Devi is a true and befitting life partner to Sri. Arutla Ramachandra Reddy, popularly known as AR,sharing his Dharma and Karma.
Besides pumping in life into the Telangana Liberation Movement, she has also striven for the development and enlightenment of the down trodden.
She was born in 1920 in Manthapuri village of Aler Mandal, Nalgonda District to Palla Laxmi Narsamma and Venkatarami Reddy who belong to a middleclass Rytu family. Rukmini was the name given to her by parents. She started learning alphabets in the village where she was born and studied upto “Peddabala Shiksha”. At the age of Eleven. She was married to her maternal uncle Arutla Ramachandra Reddy. AR has changed her name from Rukmini to Kamala Devi because of his respect to the National Movement leader Kamala Devi and then he has admitted her in Madapati Hanumantha Rao Girl’s High School at Hyderabad for further studies.
There were no girls hostel in those days. AR has convinced Raja Bahabur Venkatarami Reddy to start a GIRLs’ HOSTEL as an affiliate to Reddy hostel and admitted Kamala Devi therein, and she was the first girl boarder in that Hostel. She has completed her Secondary School there itself and then reached her in-laws place Kolanupaka.
Kolanupaka was a Jagir Village where no schools could be opened because of Restrictions imposed by the Jagirdar. AR was fond of starting a School in Kolanupaka. To circumvent the Restrictions prevailing then, AR got a Kitchen Hall constructed and converted the same in to a Girls School where Kamala Devi was working as a Teacher. Having come to know of this, the Jagirdar got the School closed. However, with the noble support of the local Jain Mandir’s management who have provided space in their temple compound, Kamala Devi started teaching to the local womenfolk.
She has developed an excellent understanding of the contemporary society and situations and has taken active role as a worker in the activities of Andhra Maha Sabha. Has taken training in female self defense in the program conducted at Vijayawada during 1943. She was a dynamic personality who fought for the women’s rights.
AR couple were blessed with a male child in 1944 and named him as Viplav Reddy in line with their philosophy. It was at that time that the Nizam Government has imposed Martial Law in the District forcing all those who participated in the armed struggle against Nizam to go into exile. AR couple also were forced into exile leaving their months old hapless child behind. This is a representation of their Courage and dedication to what they believed. Kamala Devi never allowed the courage drop down while in exile and whenever called for, she was there to infuse courage and confidence in AR. The incident of their reaching Ibrahimpuram hoodwinking the police force at Challuru and Begumpet is a beautiful example to share.
While in exiled Kamala Devi faced serious health problems and decided to reach her parental place for care and protection. On their way to Manthapuri, police have arrested both AR and Kamaladevi at Kammagudem, outskirts of Aleru and sent AR to Khammam Prison and Kamaladevi to Warangal Prison. Therefrom they shifted Kamaladevi to Aurangabad and then to Secunderabad. After two and half years of harsh imprisonment, she was released in 1951.
A natural fighter, who never showed her back to the opponents, in the changed political scenario has contested to the position of MLA from Aleru Constituency in 1952 and won the elections with a large majority. She has continued her run unopposed till 1967. During 1962, Communist Party was the main opposition in the Assembly and Putchalapalli Sundaraiah was the Main Opposition Leader and Kamala Devi held the position of Dy Opposition Leader. After the Party got split in 1964, she was elected as the Main Opposition Leader , in the Assembly, creating History.
Striving for the welfare of weaker sections in the society, she has toured Countries like Bilgaria, Czeckoslavakia, Austria and Russia. She behaved as a responsible people leader throughout, practicising whatever she preached. One of her preachings was that political leaders too should have retirement and in line with this philosophy, she has retired from politics as soon as she attained the age of 65.
During 1998, Kakathiya University has honored itself, by honoring Kamala Devi, who is an icon of a Model Woman, a Personification of Courage, courage having filled every bit of her body and mind, a proven ideal house-wife and a fighter throughout, with an Honorary Doctorate.
Having spent every phase of her life for the rights and development of people, Dr. Kamala Devi left on her journey beyond this life on First January, 2001 and is sparkling in the horizons as a bright red star showing path for fighting for rights and development.
Slavery is a curse. That too in an inhuman dictatorial rule, the very thought make one shiver. The Satonic mpleasure of people enjoying the sweat and blood of innocent people will not continue forever. There may be a birth of a heroic person a male or a female to fight and end this blood bath and give freedom and liberty to the suffering lot, and Dr. Kamala Devi is one among them.
Sri. Arutla Ramachandra Reddy, popularly known as “AR” was born as 2nd son to Ramakka and Raja Reddy of Kolanupaka in 1909 which is in the Aler Mandal of Nalgonda District. Kolanupaka village, which was a large Jagir in Nizam’s rule, did not have a school in Telugu medium forcing him to start his education in a Urdu Medium School in the Jagir in the initial stages. Thereafter, much against the wish of his parents, having convinced them, he has proceeded to Bhuvanagiri to continue his education. By 1926 he has completed his education up to 1st and 2nd forms He has passed his 3rd form examination in 1928 from Goshamahal School at Hyderabad and then on he has passed his Matriculation Examination in 1st class from Nampally high school in 1930.
AR got influenced by the “Satya Graha” and “National Movement“ started by Gandhiji in the same year. The whole Nation got shocked at death penalty executed by British on patriots like Bhagat Singh, Raj Guru and Sukh Dev. This led to organizing a meeting in the name of Swedish League against British rule. Which had an impact on Shri AR. While being a student of Osmania University pursing BA, influenced by of Gandhiji’s philosophy, AR started wearing “Khaddar”.
Though not inclined for marriage initially, AR has changed his mind due to pressure brought on him by elders. He has accepted to marry Ms. Rukmini of Manthapuri village of Aler Mandal who happens to be his own maternal uncle’s daughter. However having modern thoughts, AR has imposed certain conditions for consummation of this marriage.
They are:
The elders have agreed for all this and the marriage were consummated. During the marriage, he has changed the name of Rukmini as Kamala Devi. There is a reason behind this. In those days there are famous personalities engaged in the cause of the society like Sarojini Naidu, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay. Etc. This is what has influenced AR to change his wife’s name as Kamaladevi. AR’s very strong conviction was that the number of people getting education should increase and has taken special interest and initiative in the area of FEMALE EDUCATION.
He has taken Kamaladevi to Hyderabad for higher education who has by then just finished her “Peddabala Shiksha” at Manthapuri School. There were no girl’s hostels. It is with the initiative of AR, a GIRLs’ HOSTEL was started Kamaladevi was the first boarder there. With the support and encouragement given by AR, Kamaladevi could pursue her education upto Matriculation. To keep the then Government informed about the trials and tribulations of Telugu people, an organization in the name of “Andhra Maha Sabha“ was started and its maiden meeting was held at Jogipet of Medak district in the year 1930. About 25 students belonging to Reddy hostel have travelled 60 miles on bicycles under the leadership of Ravi Narayana Reddy. AR was one of them. Having got influenced by the Andhra Maha Sabha meetings AR was taking active part in the Sabha’s programs. He has given inspirational speeches in Andhra Maha Sabha meetings at Devarakonda, Khammam, Sirisilla and Shadnagar . With the inspiration gained from these meetings, he has acted for abolition of untouchability and has arranged entry for Harijans of 35 villages of Bhuvanagiri area into Yadagiri Laxmi Narasimha Swamy temple.
As a student of Osmania University, he was one of those suspended for defying the Government orders and singing Vandemataram under the influence of Arya Samajam and Satya Graha initiatives.
Since as a result of this suspension he could not continue his education in Osmania, AR has gone to Jabalpur and completed his BA and returned up his native place Kolanupaka. By then the atrocities of the Jagirdhar has grown unabated and it is Arutla brothers who have laid foundation for struggle against Jagirdhari system and fight against the system of bonded labour.
Having got inspired by Grandhayala Udyamam(Library Movement) he wanted to build a Library.But, then, such construction needs permission from Nizam’s and knowing that, Nizam will not permit such constructions he has taken permission in the name of Ramanujakutam. With the active cooperation of villagers, he has completed the construction in just 2 months and has run a girls’ school with Mrs. Kamala Devi as Teacher. With the support and cooperation of Mr. Laxmi Chand, who was the President of ‘A.R. Jain Mandir’ who also was keen in running a girl’s School. AR has started Girl School in Jain Mandir compound. This is one example for AR’s commitment for promoting female education.
At this time Communist Party has given a call to get ready for a struggle against the rule of Landlords, Jamindhars and Nizam’s Government. In response to this, AR got trained in Guerilla warfare at Vijayawada. After due completion of his training he returned and has prepared people from 500 villages of Bhuvanagiri area for the struggle. Then he has taken upon himself the responsibility of building up the PARTY in all the villages from Bhuvanagiri to Siddipet and worked in that direction relentlessly. He has built up many Gorilla sheds under his leadership. AR and his wife have not lost sight of importance of focusing on the welfare programs for the people and have conducted many programs for the welfare of people.
When Nizam Surrended to Indian Union on 17th Sept 1948 and when people started attacking Jagirdhars AR has swung into the fray and appealed to everybody not to behave uncivilized/and inhuman against Muslim women and not to attack the Police forces. These are the indications of the Samskara and respect he has carried with himself for all people.
After Hyderabad dynasty merged itself with Indian Union, Communist Party was banned. In these circumstances, Arutla couples have gone underground leaving behind their ‘Months Old Child’. However, they were ambushed and arrested by Police at Bahadurpet and AR was sent to Nalgonda Jail where from he was moved to Khammma and Hyderabad Jails, in the process, AR had to go through innumerable hardships and punishments.
As a result of a call from Communist Party High Command to stop arm struggle which wa the outcome of prolonged internal Party Discussions, AR was released from Jail in 1952. He has contested from Ramayampet Assembly Constituency during the by-elections of 1953 representing People’s Democratic Front and won the Election. As a people representative he has strived to fill light into the lines of common people. He has been instrumental in establishment of Kolanupaka substation, Sugar Factory and countless developmental activities, He has playeda major role in Lambadhi Ryot Movement Dhatharupalli land struggle, Mallapuram, Addaguduru poor Ryot struggles.
Whole of his life he followed the principle of Trikaranasudhi by saying what he though and doing what he said and stood as an inspirational model to be a people’s man. He was a person who had vibrantly worked for spread of female literacy. He was a symbol of STRAIGHT FORWARDNESS. Was an Expert in giving lectures in rousing emotions and bringing activism in people. A tireless solider in fighting for solutions for people’s problems. AR was a person who has sacrificed his entire life to be with people and among the people to bring light in the lives of poor and hapless people. He was a leader who was breathing in and breathing out the interest of hapless and helpless down trodden people and had his last breath on 26.08.1985 and remains a fire flame and a Red Flag in the hearts of all the people for whom he has strived whole of his life.
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