Our Mission: Food, Education, Medicine

Agriculture & Farmers

Agriculture is the brightest hope.

Recognizing the vital role of agriculture in the constituency, the Arutla Foundation extended its support to farmers. Agriculture experts were engaged to provide guidance and assistance on crop selection, pest and disease management, and effective utilization of agriculture inputs. These initiatives aimed to enhance farming practices, increase productivity, and improve the lives of farmers in the community.


Through its multifaceted activities, the Arutla Foundation has made a remarkable impact on the lives of individuals in the constituency. Its commitment to sports, youth empowerment, education, women’s empowerment, healthcare, and agriculture has contributed to the overall development and upliftment of the community. The foundation’s unwavering dedication to creating opportunities and fostering growth has established it as a beacon of hope and progress.

Activities so far…

• Organized Orientation sessions to Farmers

Call To Action

Give Your Big Hand Forever